Upcoming exhibition in the MPP museum in Reiheim with my designs for Wall&Déco

MPP RIXHEIM, from 31/3/2017 to 31/12/2018


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The director of Wall & Deco in a nice interview for Yatzer and with him my design 🙂


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My design “Mediterraneans marks” for Wall & Déco is in DOMODECO magazine n ° 71 special Tendances 2017, Thanks DOMODECO!


Domodeco outDomodeceo in

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Together with Ronit Ben-Sa’adon, we launched the collaborative project GREEN PAROS It is our aim to create a group of winter producers who come together to do what we love, use what we have, educate, create beauty and a source of income for the people in Paros that go these days through difficult times.
If you appriciate the idea, LIKE us now and we will keep you updated.


Facebook group GREEN PAROS


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A small film created about my project 3D STAINED GLASS by N+CO, Thank you Camille et Nathalie Geoffroy! video link


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I’m always on the search for perfection, it is the way all arts are practiced today, from plastic art to music to design, No more scratchy dirty sounds on the records, and no tolerance for mistakes. Sometime this search for perfection is long and might bring the conclusion to be vain and somehow « too clean ». This is my first work named Cloud n 1, it is actually a composition made of all my errors through the process of 3D stained glass project with the first art work “Mother/Woman” (in collaboration with the craftswomen Catherine Aoustin). I think with this recycled composition I will start a whole new process of cultivating and recycling my mistakes:)

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